
What are the entry requirements?

5 GCSE at A* – C or equivalent, including German. Preferably at grade “B” or above.

Course Outline


Unit 1: Listening and reading

Unit 2: Speaking


Unit 3: Listening and reading

Unit 4: Speaking

How will I be assessed?


Unit 1 & Unit 2 – both sat in May/June and externally marked

Unit 1: Listening and reading examination with an essay question at the end

Unit 2: Speaking examination


Unit 3 & Unit 4 – both sat in May/June and externally marked

Unit 3: A longer, more difficult version of

the AS paper

Unit 4: A 15 minute long speaking examination

What will I study?

German A Level will give you the opportunity to expand on knowledge gained at GCSE level with some overlap of topics (although naturally covered in much greater detail). In addition you are introduced to aspects of German history and culture not previously covered. In recent years trips to Germany have included Munich, Berlin and Cologne.

In year 12 the course splits up in to four main areas: Media, Family and Relationships, Popular culture and Healthy Living. Sub-topics include: attitudes to marriage or staying single, hazards of taking drugs or alcohol, types of films and trends in film-making and viewing habits. In year 13 there are three broad areas of study, namely Environment, Multicultural society and Contemporary social issues. You learn, amongst other things, about racism in Germany, law and order, protecting the planet, ethical issues raised by developments in science and technology and inequalities of wealth in both the developed and the third world.

Where can it lead me?

Almost any position in industry, particularly exporting companies, translation, interpreting. German “A” level is very highly-respected amongst both universities and employers and, therefore, a good choice whatever your intentions.

Course Information
  • Course Id: OCR

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