What are the entry requirements?
Grade C or above in English. Prior Drama experience through GCSE Drama or BTEC Performing Arts at grade C or above.
Course Outline
AS and A levels in Drama and Theatre will be assessed through a combination of a 40% written exam and 60% non-examined assessment.
AS will be a separate, linear qualification.
The content of the AS is a subset of the A level so you can co-teach the qualifications.
Specifications must require students to demonstrate a practical understanding of:
A minimum of one complete and substantial performance text and a minimum of two key extracts from two different texts, placed in the context of the whole text.
Specifications in drama and theatre must require students to participate in:
A minimum of one performance from a text, which has been studied as part of the course.
Specifications must require students to demonstrate a practical understanding of:
A minimum of one complete and substantial performance text and a minimum of two key extracts from two different texts, placed in the context of the whole text.
Specifications in drama and theatre must require students to participate in:
A minimum of two performances, one devised and one from a performance text which has been studied as part of the course.
How will I be assessed?
These details are not being released until Autumn 2015 – only an overview is available so far. AS and A levels in Drama and Theatre will be assessed through a combination of a 40% written exam and 60% non-examined assessment – but which units have not been clarified.
What will I study?
Set texts have not yet been decided. Details to be released in Autumn 2015.
Where can it lead me?
Employment within the performing arts industry, teaching, police service, links with English and Media Studies, script writing, creative writing, directing, Youth Theatre work.