Exam Results & Information

Thursday 22nd August 2024
Exam Results Day

Year 11 students will receive their results on Thursday 22nd  August.

We are looking forward to welcoming our students back to receive their GCSE & BTEC results and we appreciate that this is an important day for everyone in Year 11.  We understand how hard they have worked throughout their time at school and they should be rightly proud of their efforts.

Students can arrive at the main entrance to the upper site playground from 9am to 12am.  They will be directed to the main hall where they will be able to collect their GCSE and BTEC results

Staff will be present to help students collect their results as quickly as possible. The school will remain open all day. If a pupil is unable to attend between 9-12am, then their results can be collected from 12am by entering the school via the Main Reception.  If students would like another person to collect the results on their behalf, they should contact Mrs Wilkinson either by email at h.wilkinson@bridgewaterhigh.com or through a letter, signed by themselves, naming the person that will collect the results.  At 2pm, any uncollected results will be posted home.

Throughout the day, there will also be members of staff available, including our careers team, to give any necessary guidance that is required in supporting students with the next stage of their Education, Employment or Training.

To support the collection of results by our students as quickly as possible, where parents/carers are accompanying students to school we would respectfully request that parents/carers do not come into the school building.

We look forward to seeing you on 22nd August.


GCSE Result Enquiry and Remark Process 

We understand that receiving exam results can be a moment of both excitement and concern for students and their families. The examination process is rigorous, and the grading is done with utmost care. However, there can be instances where students and parents might have reservations about the awarded grades. In such cases, the option for an Enquiry About Results (EAR) or a remark is available.  As you may already know, awarding grades this year was reported to show a return to pre-pandemic results across the country. At first glance this seems to be the case and should also inform your thinking around any Enquiry About Results.

An EAR can be one or more of the following:

  • Access to Scripts: scripts are requested back, to be reviewed to see if it is worthwhile going for a remark or clerical check (i.e. the marks have been counted up wrongly).
  • Remark: The script is remarked.

Here are some circumstances under which you might consider requesting a EAR:

Significant Discrepancy: If you believe that your child’s result significantly deviates from their expected performance, considering their academic history, mock exam results, and overall performance in the subject, it might be worth considering a remark.

If the result in a subject is not in line with the other grades your child has received.

Unexpected Result: If the result received is drastically different from your child’s performance as observed throughout the year, you may consider an EAR to ensure there were no administrative errors in marking or data entry.

Near-Miss Grades: If your child is just a few marks away (1 or 2) from a higher grade boundary, requesting a remark could potentially result in an improved grade. You can check the grades boundaries fowling these links:

AQA GCSE grade boundaries for 2023 

A full list of AQA GCSE grade boundaries will be available here.

Edexcel GCSE grade boundaries for 2023 

A full list of Edexcel GCSE grade boundaries will be available here.

OCR GCSE grade boundaries for 2023 

A full list of OCR GCSE grade boundaries will be available here.

WJEC (Eduqas) GCSE grade boundaries for 2023 

A full list of WJEC GCSE grade boundaries will be available here.

Subject Importance: If the subject in question is integral to your child’s chosen career path or future studies, and the result is not reflective of their abilities, a remark might be a suitable option.

Next Steps: 

Access to Scripts 

If you would like to request Access to Scripts, please email Miss H Wilkinson h.wilkinson@bridgewaterhigh.com with the subject script you wish to review.  The script will be reviewed by a member of staff, who will then give their view about whether a remark is recommended.


If you would like to request a remark, please complete and return the form which was with the exam results and return to the examination office by Monday 25th September 2023.  More forms can be collected from reception.

At Bridgewater High, we are committed to supporting both our students and their families through this process. We want to ensure that each student’s hard work and dedication are rightfully acknowledged.


Results 2023:

GCSE Results Summary 2023

Results 2022:

GCSE Results Summary 2022

DFE Performance Tables

Lost certificates or confirmation of results for past students

Important information re. the conduct of exams:
AI – A Quick Guide For Students
Information for candidates – NEA
Information for candidates – Onscreen Tests
Information for candidates – Privacy Notice
Information for candidates – Written Exams
Information for candidates – Coursework
JCQ Social Media Information for Candidates
JCQ AI Use in Assessments – Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications

Review of Marking – Centre Assessed Marks
Appeals Against Internal Assessments of Work