
Y9 Options Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y11 Parents’ Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y9 Appleton Parents’ Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y9 Stockton Parents’ Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y8 Appleton Parents’ Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y8 Stockton Parents’ Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y10 Parents’ Evening

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is unlikely to take place face to face. We will, however, use alternative electronic means of communication if needed and more details will follow.

Y6 Open Evening

An opportunity to find out more about what Bridgewater has to offer prospective pupils for 2022.

Y7 Pastoral Evening

An opportunity for parents/carers of Y7 pupils to meet with form tutors. Year 7 Pastoral Information Evening