
Homework and Online Study

Online study links:

Satchel One – https://www.satchelone.com/login?subdomain=bridgewaterhigh
All of our homework for every year group is set via this platform.

Sparx Maths https://www.sparxmaths.uk/
Many of our Maths homeworks involve completing tasks on this site.

GCSEPod – https://www.gcsepod.com
This invaluable site features many small videos (“pods”) to aid GCSE revision.

Tassomai – https://www.tassomai.com
This is a Science-only revision and testing site which should be used by all Y10 and Y11 students.



Homework at Bridgewater

Bridgewater High School believes that homework can make an important contribution to pupils’ progress. Ensuring that homework is used effectively requires a partnership of teaching staff, pupils and parents; all need to understand the role and value of meaningful homework, if it is to be successfully delivered.

A key focus for the school continues to be the use of Satchel One (see the link at the top of this site) to set all homework across all key stages, in fact the school has been highly commended by Satchel One for our high rates of usage both by staff and pupils alike.

Click here for further information on how homework informs our practice.


Through its use of homework, Bridgewater seeks to:

  • Encourage pupils to develop the skills, confidence and motivation needed to study on their own;
  • Consolidate and reinforce the skills and understanding developed by pupils while in school;
  • Extend school learning;
  • Where appropriate be used to allow the pupils themselves to prepare for a new topic;
  • Sustain parental involvement in the management of pupils’ learning and keep them informed about the work pupils are doing;
  • On occasions access resources not available in the classroom;
  • Meet particular exam demands, such as GCSE coursework.
  • Use online platforms to support and extend pupils’ learning (e.g. MyMaths or SMHW quizzes).


A broad guideline for the time spent on homework per school day would be:

Years 7-8           45 – 90 minutes a day
Year 9                  60 – 120 minutes a day
Years 10-11      90 – 150 minutes a day

It is vital to note that pupils are encouraged to complete additional proactive study that sits outside of the prescribed homework tasks (most notably their own task-based revision of prior work through flash cards, knowledge organisers, etc.): Homework frequency is a guide only and should not limit pupils in any way.

For Pupils

Bridgewater pupils have a personal responsibility to:

  • Regularly log in to Satchel One to ensure they monitor homework set and complete homework on time;
  • Complete set tasks to the best of their ability, within the limits of the resources available to them;
  • Submit homework for assessment, on time;
  • Seek help and guidance from teaching staff when difficulties are met with, in advance of the submission date wherever possible.

For Parents

Bridgewater believes that parents have a vital role to play in monitoring the application of this homework policy and in supporting their children in their completion of homework tasks.

Parents are encouraged to:

  • Regularly log in to Show My Homework to assist in monitoring completion of homework;
  • Provide reasonably suitable places for homework, or help children to attend other suitable places;
  • Make it clear to their children that they value homework and support the school in explaining how it can help with learning;
  • Encourage their children and praise them when they have completed homework to a sufficiently high standard of content and presentation;
  • Expect their children to meet deadlines and check that they have done so.

For any queries regarding the use of Satchel One either contact Tim Eden, Assistant Headteacher, via t.eden@bridgewaterhigh.com or the Satchel One help team themselves at help@teamsatchel.com.