Admissions for Year 7
The Challenge Academy Trust is the Admitting Authority for Bridgewater High School and have appointed Warrington Borough Council to administer the Admissions process for current Y6 pupils who wish to apply to join us in 2024-25. Guidance to the Admissions process can be found by following the links on this page.
This guidance sets out the arrangements for the transfer of children to secondary schools for the academic year beginning in September 2024 and gives details of how places are allocated. The law gives parents the right to express a preference for which school they wish their child to attend. It is very important that you understand that this is not the same as being able to choose a school. Admission to Bridgewater High School depends on meeting the criteria that are explained in the guidance.
The guidance also gives information on the admissions process for in-year transfers.
In addition, we produce a prospectus which contains a great deal of information about our school (see below).
The Admissions Team at the Children and Young People’s Services Directorate, New Town House, is there to help and advise you. Please do not be afraid to contact them with any concerns that you might have about admissions (see below also).
Click here for Warrington Borough Council’s on-line Admissions Homepage.
Click here for Bridgewater High School’s Prospectus.
Click here for Admission Arrangements 2025-26
Click here for Admissions Consultation Arrangements 2026-27
TCAT Warrington Admissions Policy 2026 – 27 FINAL (approved by Trust Board)
Bridgewater High School is a member of The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT) which is a multi-academy Trust with 12 academies within the Warrington local authority area. Legally, TCAT is the Admissions Authority for all its member academies and has developed Admission Arrangements which ensures all academies within the Trust have a unified approach to admissions whilst ensuring the individual character of each academy is maintained.
All state-funded schools have a set of admissions rules, published admission number and oversubscription criteria to help them process school applications consistently, transparently and fairly in accordance with the 2021 School Admissions Code. The Trust is consulting on the unified policy for the Trust’s Warrington academies. There are also specific proposals in relation to
- The Published Admission Number (PAN) at Broomfields Junior School, Penketh High School and Padgate Academy
- Amendment to oversubscription criteria 2 for Broomfields Junior School only
- Inclusion of Dallam Community Primary School within these Admission Arrangements
Full details are given in the consultation document and policy.
The consultation is open from 6 December 2024 to 31 January 2025. We would like to hear what you think about the proposed admission arrangements for these academies. If you have any comments, queries or concerns about the school admission arrangements, please email . Any comments or queries can also be sent to academy trusts direct via their general enquiries form but please include the words ‘Admissions Consultation 2026/27 ’ in the subject header. Feedback provided through the admission consultation will be treated confidentially and will be considered by the Trust Board in deciding the final arrangements.
Kind regards,
Dawn Golden
Trust Compliance and Information Manager
Tel: 01925 948826
Bridgewater High School Open Evenings are a great opportunity to find out more about what the school has to offer. You will meet our outstanding teachers, see our engaged and helpful students and find out about our curriculum offer that allows every child to achieve academically, supported by a professional and committed pastoral system and education support team.
Members of our Senior Leadership Team will hold presentations and will be available to answer any questions you may have. Our subject teachers will provide information about their own subjects, ably supported by Bridgewater High School Students. Representatives from out Enrichment Curriculum will provide a flavour of the additional experiences that Bridgewater has to offer. In addition members of the Pastoral Team and the Education Support Team and members of the Education Support Team wil be available to respond to any queries raised on the evening.
Our Open Evenings run from 18:00-20:00.
All areas of the school will be represented to give you a picture of what a place at Bridgewater High School will be like.
If there is a particular query you have or member of staff you would like to see please let us know in advance and we will do our best to facilitate a meeting. Call our Reception.
You can, information about the application process will be given on the evening. If you are unable to make the evening please contact the school on 01925 263814/01925 263919
No, but it gives you a great head start to find out more Bridgewater High School and what makes us special; and about your secondary school choices for September. We would encourage you to join us on this wonderful evening.
If you are unable to attend Open Evening and would like to arrange an alternate time to see the school then please contact