
Supporting at Home

How parents and carers can support at home:


The Arbor app allows parents/carers to track attendance and behaviour (viewing Lesson Scores for each lesson throughout the day, which indicate how well a pupil has engaged/behaved in that lesson).

This letter explains how to log into/use Arbor. We regularly send out invites to any parents/carers who have not yet logged into Arbor but feel free to contact enquiries@bridgewaterhigh.com if you want another invite sending out to you. 



It is essential that parents/carers support Bridgewater pupils through helping to monitor what homework they are given through the Satchel One platform. Contact enquiries@bridgewaterhigh.com if you need a new PIN to log into your parent/carer account. For other information about Satchel One, visit here.

Click here to view key information about Homework at Bridgewater which informs our practice.


Assessment (including testing)

Even though summative assessments (at the end of a unit) provide valuable information for teachers/pupils/parents/carers, they are only one strand of assessment as formative assessment (measuring progress from lesson to lesson) is an absolutely essential strand of teaching and learning also.

This document makes clear our approach to assessment and explains our testing/reporting processes in detail (updated version to reflect some changes we have made re. KS3 terminology to be added very soon).

You will always be informed when key assessments will take place for each year group. Additional, subject-specific information re. what to revise for each assessment is always released nearer the time via Satchel One.

To assist in preparing pupils for assessments (at the moment with a GCSE focus), here is a range of resources which can help support pupils’ approaches to revision. Please remember that a vital key to success is to use these techniques (e.g. flash cards) *day-by-day* and not just whenever a tests is approaching.


Other ways to support 

Many of the ways in which parents/carers can support their child’s learning are subject-specific so visit our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pages then scroll down to find information about supporting at home for each individual subject.

This document should be particularly helpful for KS4 students.


What if I want to contact an individual teacher regarding how I can support at home?

All of our Bridgewater email addresses follow the format…
first initial.surname@bridgewaterhigh.com

You can discover the first initial by looking at your child’s timetable.