
World Book Day 2025

World Book Day

Bridgewater celebrated World Book Day 2025 on Thursday 6 March, with various competitions in the library, free £1 World Book Day books and an author visit. The competitions included Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Guess Your Teacher’s Favourite Book and a Bumper World Book Quiz at lunch. We also gave away hundreds of the free £1 World Book Day books and had book trailers in the library at break.

On Friday 7 March, Y7 and Y8 pupils were lucky to have a visit from the historical mystery author, Susan Brownrigg, who come in to talk about her latest book, Wrong Tracks, based on the Rainhill Trials. Pupils were able to listen to Susan talk about the inspiration behind her books and were able to ask questions about how to become an author and buy their own signed copy.

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