
Restart a Heart Day

Year 8 pupils are trained in CPR and Defibrillator use.

On Monday 16th October, during alternative curriculum week, 130 year 8 pupils (overseen by Mrs Unsworth and Mr Cawley) received vital training in aid of national Restart a Heart Day. The students were taught how to safely carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation in an emergency and how to use a defibrillator if necessary.

CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival however only 32% percent of victims recieve CPR. By educating our pupils CPR, we intend to increase these numbers so that if one day the skills were required we can independently make a difference. Our school has defibrillators as a precaution and now at least 1/3 of pupils know how to use it if necessary.

We hope our efforts can inspire others to make a difference and support National Restart a Heart day. We would also like to say a big thanks to the North West Ambulance Service for teaching our pupils how to potentially save lives in the future.

Written by Georgie L & Hannah S, Y9 Press Team

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