
Dance Oscars with a difference!

Many of our pupils participated in this year’s Dance Oscars at the Brindley Theatre on 21st June:

On one of the hottest days of the year so far many Bridgewater pupils were working away in the Brindley Theatre all day in preparation for this year’s Dance Oscars. It is to their credit that in the evening they were still able to pull off an impressive, engaging and physically demanding show.

One of this year’s highlights was a break from the traditional awards-style presentation with a half-hour narrative of Beauty and the Beast. As if this wasn’t ambitious enough, this part of the performance featured pupils from Y7 all the way up to our A level cohort meaning that they didn’t get to put the piece together until the day itself! The result was a heart-warming re-telling of this classic tale through the medium of dance featuring a wide variety of styles and costumes.

After a selection of classic 80s songs, again moving through various styles and age ranges, the 2nd half featured the Dance Oscars’ usual style of awards presentations and focused more on pupils’ exam work.

The overall result was a thoroughly entertaining show for a large audience. Congratulations to all of the pupils involved (particularly for working in such a hot environment!), thanks to all of the staff who helped in any way and in particular Nicola Hughes, our Head of Dance, for taking on the vast majority of the choreography, rehearsal and organisation in her very first Dance Oscars.

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