Liverpool University Trip
This January a group of Year 11 students, including myself, went on a trip to Liverpool University to learn more about Higher Education and Post 16 choices. We were greeted with a warm welcome and an enlightening talk about universities (from understanding the jargon to receiving information about courses!). We were then led around the city by some of the university’s students and given a comprehensive tour of the students’ sector of the city, as well as being given an opportunity to ask any questions we had as we walked. During the tour we were shown many of the university buildings, as well as the most of the facilities available to students, including the sports centre and the Sydney Jones Library. We then returned to the Engineering Building, where we were given a talk about student life from a real student, followed by an interactive activity that involved having to create our own university societies!
Overall, it was a wholly informative and enjoyable experience, and has undoubtedly furthered our ability to make the right choices regarding Post 16/Higher Education.
Written by Skye L, Y11