
Bugsy Malone 2018

On the 13th, 14th and 15th February 2018, Bridgewater High School held its annual school production with this year’s show being the musical: Bugsy Malone.

The participants that took part in the show ranged from Year 7 to Year 12. During the show a live band performed the well-known songs perfectly, dancers performed incredible dances, and actors and actresses delivered their lines to the highest of standards. The show was held in the Upper School hall including an amazing set. The cast had been rehearsing since September with the show being directed by Miss Plimmer and Mrs Swaffield.

One cast member said: “I loved being in Bugsy Malone because it gave me a sense of what it’s like to be in a professional stage show. It also let me become friends with pupils I wouldn’t normally interact with due to school years. I’m so glad I participated in Bugsy Malone!”.  All 3 nights went off without a hitch and to round off the closing night Miss Plimmer was pied! A massive well done to everyone involved and a huge thank you to all the staff for putting it together!

Written by Hannah S, Y9 Press Team
Photo courtesy of Josie D, Y13

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