
Religious Studies lessons pay tribute to Paris attacks

During last week’s R.S. lessons, teachers paid tribute to the Paris attacks by giving special lessons.

During last week’s R.S. classes, teachers presented a special lesson, prepared by Mrs Griffiths, to pay tribute to all the innocent people that died in Friday the 13th Paris attacks. The lesson let pupils discuss how they felt about ISIS and about the whole attacks in general. We looked at letters written by survivors and also how many Muslims are being treated unfairly after the attacks. After the lesson we all had time to write something on a board by the R.S. rooms that had the French flag on. On this board we could write anything about the Paris attacks. This was a really nice idea because it meant pupils could put anything they wanted on about the Paris attacks and by the end of the week the whole board was filled.

Thank you Mrs Griffiths for such a good and memorable lesson!

Written by Thomas Gray, Y9.

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