Catering Information
Key information regarding our catering can be found here:
Catering Letter to Parents, Staff and Students July 24
Letter to Parents and Carers for Biometric and Consents February 2025
Harrisons Mid Morning Menu
Harrisons Lunch Menu Week One
Harrisons Lunch Menu Week Two
Harrisons Lunch Menu Week Three
Online Payments and Cashless Catering
We use SCOPAY for our online payments, you may already have an account, if so great news, they’ve released a new mobile app.
For parents not yet using SCOPAY, did you know you can; pay for dinner money, and trips all online. Using SCOPAY allows you to top up your child’s account anywhere, anytime using a credit or debit card.
All parents have access to SCOPAY, if you have not yet registered to make online payments, please let the Finance office know and an access code will be issued to you. To find out more, visit
As the school contracts its catering services to Harrison Catering Services who run the service on the school’s behalf. Payments made online, to top up a student’s cashless catering account, go directly to:
Harrison Catering Services
Oxford House,
Oxford Road,
Bank statement entries for Cashless Catering payments will display as Harrison Catering Services.
Payments made online for all other items including school trips will go to Bridgewater High School and bank statement entries for these payments will display as Bridgewater High School.